Do you guys feel like you’ve been up, down, turned around, kicked hard to the ground? Do you want to feel Resurrected? Then enter this competition for your chance to win a rockin’ prize!
The Prize includes:
– Costco Gift Card (Valued at 1K USD). Use in any Costco US or Canadian Store to purchase anything your heart desires that’s available in store or online.
– Blackstar Amplification outfitted us with a “HT Club 40 MKII” 1 x 12″ combo format amp perfect for the gigging musician and a FLY-3 mini amp!!
– “Best Of” Merchandise Pack with Tour T-shirt, Patch, Trucker Hat & a signed CD & Vinyl Album
Simply purchase a ticket to The Dead Daisies show you want to attend. Enter your name, email address & answer one very easy question for your chance to WIN! For all our friends in Europe and the UK we’ll have something special for you soon!
Competition closes on September 10th 2023 at midnight US PST Time. We’ll notify the winner via email with 7 x days to reply. So make sure you put in your right email address!
- Ends September 10, 2023
- Open to Canada, USA